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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Celebrity worship: You've got to be Kidding

" The Horror, The Horror" Kurtz from Apocalypse Now

Celebrity Worship is reaching Epic proportions of absurdity and idiocy. It is an example of how far gone our society is consumed by these egoists' and their selfish charities and benefits to save either the earth to children in war torn nations that all the celebrities want us to pay for yet, they make more in a year than the median income family. I am amused by the Tom Cruise incident on Oprah , another waste of air time and pompous narcissism . that I refuse to listen her views or her thoughts on wellness. this circle of Shit is perpetuating with the yellow journalism called infotainment news that continues on the celebrity scandals, divorces, rehab and their continuous fallacies called marriage ; good luck Eva ha,ha,ha. this blinding worship is obscene since our public has lost sight of the real issues of Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have to ignore these narcissistic celebrities since, they don't serve our best interests. Angelina Jolie makes herself into some Saint of war-torn children as she is with some Pitt . Personally i don't care about their shallow , drama and selfish ideals. it doesn't effect me, as more political interests and my family and spiritual wealth are more important; than their continuous charities and functions that have no beneficial impact on the world at large.

The Celebrity culture is part of this decline of our civilization politically ,and socially. They have allowed their skewed views ,and activism ,to end true debate and communication , resolution ; rather that these charity whores to push their opinions for their own dirty interests. They use their non-profits and fundraisers as they receive another "fifteen minutes of fame". Celebrities are a waste of government time and money, Along with their lobbying special interest groups. It has created a formidable log-jam in the legislative process and has continued a fragmentation of society. They are consumed by info-tainement and celebrity worship rather that following the national news that effect our common interests. a political culture these charities and philanthropic organizations are a catalyst to steal public opinion, can manipulate it for their own polls and news. The celebrities have created their own cult following with useless news on fashion, who is shagging whom, awards shows, and the swine that remains.

Entertainment media is cause of this corruption of the political culture. Nationally and internationally it has made our nation look truly ugly and uneducated. It is sorry observation on our image as a national identity. This blindness and foolishness for this media hype is pure yellow journalism with marketing and shameless advertising. It has no substance , except a old has been celebrity dies or is suicided. The press goes mad for every byte of gossip and the hard news is left in the pile, and left for fashion week. Media is now a pillar of control and manipulation. Not a pillar of insight and checks and balances on the government. Media is now a farce of it’s original greatness. As with Edward R Murrow who truly exposed corruption and malfeasance in government to the treason so flagrantly done by our elected officials.