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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the aristocracy of fear

why is it our powers that be, use fear to control our will . they have used the energy crisis to control our every behavior and bow to the grand desires of American union with a Green eco-friendly agenda, that limits personal responsibility and free will the pitch of the globalists that follow the creed of society governed the most will be happiest , as i follow the political atheists notion of a limited government and personal responsibility, and limits on monopolies and corporations; as they infringe on civil liberties. I feel the aristocracy is using the global warming and energy issues to enslave us by their own market manipulations. the criteria is quite feasible to control the oil by trade deals with foreign energy producing interests as we have Anwar and coastal locations to drill for peak oil, and also become energy independent, using hydrogen and breeder reactors and alternate energy systems that will allow us to be an nation free of blackmail by the OPEC nations and the corporation that use oil as means of economic terrorism on our nation. It is necessary also to lay blame on the congress as glorified lobbyists who serve the oil industry and OPEC for allowing the fuel prices to rise to this scale of absurdity. they know we can drill in the tundra of Anwar as eco-terrorists such as Sierra club and WWF and other eco lobbyists control our best interests. We suffer in the purse by the grotesque actions of fear of the pump rising and unpopular wars and CIA sponsored terrorism foreign and domestic inflicted on us under the guise of God, country, and Nation. But liberty and freedom and pursuit of property and happiness is evil in the hearts o these traitors. the aristocrats would be afraid if we know what they have done; we would chase them down the streets. And you know who you are.

verdict: GUILTY