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Thursday, November 20, 2008

confession of a political atheist: Current Events to shutter at

I've been listening ,and watching the symbiosis of the financial spectre of the 700B bailout or fire sale of our national economy; by bilderberger paulson and his Goldman Sachs cronies, and helicopter Fed bernake. But, with Obama now coronated as the anointed "one" and messiah ; we are on a verge of a depression and looming civil war between the have's and the have not's. Now the political atheist believes in observing the conditions of the national barometer before making any rash judgements. but, I am very concerned on how the nation is falling from a superpower into a banana republic with rampant corruption and greed, and corporatism on both sides of the aisle. the party structuring has been manipulated by obamunists into a de-facto unilateral state ,and autocracy even before he is sworn in as the Phoenix president to clean up der Fuhrer mess in Afghanistan, Iraq and among the global community. But, the nation is in a economic tailspin with the Dow as Standard and poor's in a tailspin, the Detroit three begging for a bailout and job losses reaching a 7% all time high. it looks the red and blue states are hurting by this systematic redistribution and manipulation of the economy by financial terrorism by bernacke and paulson cronies of the bilderberger gang. If we continue with this plummeting stock market and loss of consumer confidence in the market and also with the leadership of the nation; I have to hand it to you. you didn't wake up to the truth. were not in Kansas anymore. Our nation has become the submissive for corporate tyrants and international cartels with our bill of rights savagely raped. Our American capitalist structure has been dismantled and devalued by a lecherous Federal reserve of a private nature. It isn't even a legitimate arm of the government. thus it is threat to our republic. As a concerned citizen; i wish ii could give kind words to this condition, but know is time to resist and arise. Use sedition, insurrection and all out rebellion. Our government is the criminal and tyrant. It has become a Leviathan that would make Orwell wince and King George pucker. the government should fear the people; we give i is' power, and we can take it away. our rights as citizens s to question the legitimacy of a government and overthrow it with valid conditions. our grievances are growing daily; and now our children will pay for the sins of our fathers. Damn them!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that amongst these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter, or abolish it. "
watch your back