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Monday, April 5, 2010

the curious case of Barack H Obama Or how I found Barry Sotoro

who is this Barack is he indonesian or kenyan? was he born in hawaii or deep in the wastelands of kenya?

Is he a muslim in disguise or a left of center liberal christian?

Is he a radical socialist with designs on imploding our nation or a centerist ?

who is this leader of the free world that leans towards  ideologues Eg. Chavez, Adbendinjad , Castro among other Communist internationals'

Does he believe in the american dream of Bill Ayers or of his supposed hero Abraham Lincoln?

does he hold the constitution as the law of the land or as means towards an ends of social engineering and wealth redistribution?

why does he loathe the middle class and capitalism? 

he speaks as a moderate centerist yet his policies are radical socialist doctrine of the marxist/ leninist/ maoist protocols. why is that?

who is this man? do you want him leading your military to certian death; since he co-opts with islamic jihadists and socialist terrorists. i wonder why?

where is the hope and change; he so willfully promulgated? is it in creating a Soviet style gulag state with totalitarian overtones of international statism. is this hope?

so i wonder if this man our supposed commander in chief is really even a naturalized citizen? is he even a redblooded american or a kenyan out for blood through the socialist derived obama-care.

why  are his policies shrouded in secrecy from the cap and trade to obamacare; yet he swore to expose all legislative issues on what's the deal?

My fiendish political wolves. i ponder these questions. we have a nation in meltdown; because of the Annionted one promised HOPE; yet iknow of loss, pain and suffering. the desecration of our Consitution and bill of rights trampled by graft and corruption for the dismantling of the finest healthcare on the face of the earth. yet he pied on.. our Barry Sotoro or Barack Obama.

He has lead us to strange pastures...

I hope we will find who he really is for our own benefit as a nation of citizens. It is importnat to find the objective truth of this man and his Regime. yes, we are not under consitiutional law. we are under a regime state. this personality has corrupted and blinded the masses. so he can have control over the population. i find disgusting and disgracful. yet i show no loyalty to any form of socialist state. i refuse.  As the hidden american. i want life, liberty and happiness; yet i am surrounded by apathy, ignorance and folly. over a persoanlity i see as caustic and dangerous. we don't know who were really dealing with. he is seen as a calm leader or is a narciss in disguise. i wonder? who are we dealing with?

As the judge, our nation will find reason to prevail among the worst ecnomic slump in a hundred years; engineered by his agents in the Treasury department, wall street and the federal reserve. We will find true resolve and direction to know and understand freedom; not the precepts of a hand-out state. we all have to become more than what we are. not citizens but hidden americans with a force and fire beyond the madness of government. the intrusion of governemnt has become so cruel and hungry; the only means is to kill it's every tendril, every organ , every means of control. we have to arise as beast to destroy the very beast we are threatened by. I wish the"T" parties much sucess; but the duopoly has to be reigned in and the government has to fear it's People; all government must fear it's people

JUDGE ov the URN