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Monday, May 10, 2010

the Ministry of Truth; the state sponsored media and it's viral bias

our media is a constant barrage of images, sounds, and noise. the political landscape is flooding our neural networks with information used to lull society into a catatonic state of "happiness"; using materialism and cutting edge entertainment as a medium for the promulgation of the "Liberal " agenda for a "Green"social state or in plain speak totalitarianism by autocracy. Media was designed to be a watchdog against the state ; to prevent abuses of power and infringements of liberty and personal property and providence. under the Vehement Obama regime the media has become a propaganda cum- fifth estate to influence the national psyche. Obama has allowed the media to use all forms of media to dictate the popular conventional wisdom or folly of the current regime. the blatant junk science of Climate change to the backroom dealing of the universal health care bill. the media has continuously used Hollywood and it's disciples to promote Obama as the end all be all; criticizing the tea parties and using ad hominin attacks on the movement; because they are exposing the lies and deceit he media refuse to report.  this form of media mirrors the propaganda of the  Nazis; yes those fascist beasties. Goebbels orchestrated Hitler's meteoric rise by the Reichstag fire; as Obama is using the 2008 crash as a linchpin to absolute power as he is pushing his socialist agenda with a vengeance. The media is a willing accomplice to this totalitiairnism; with it's unceasing bias and attacks on any form of political and social dissent. Obama has a fear of being exposed as a phony megalomaniac and egotist; and follower of  Marxist ideologues Ie. Saul Alinsky, Mao. The  media that is actively promoting his socialist green doctrine are Nbc, Cnn, Msnbc, and affiliates. the Hollywood set are the usual players who feel that Obama is more the populist voice of the working man; yet it seems that the working man is continuously under assault. The Hollywood elite who share this dogma also know Obama is as phony as these actors and their empty platitudes from Sean Penn to Susan Sarandon; all with messiah complex.

The audacity of the media bias is that it obvious to the critical thinker; to observe and doubt  what the Media is dispersing as Fact; yet is based on lies and self-serving agendas. If our society would use the Internet and talk radio and Free speech that would allow for true communication of ideas; the media wants loyalty to Obama's regime; and they loathe the use of talk radio to bloggers' like me. because we have doubts and question the relativism of this failure of a administration. The media in general is showing signs of discontent with the medium of newspapers dying out; because of use of digital media and wireless technology. this form of medium has allowed everyman to become his own journalist of commentator , writer , etc. the old bastions of Hollywood want  the mythology of immigration and Climate change to scare and cause fear so Obama will rescue the weak and timid; who play into Obama's dogma; without searching for relevant facts; and exposing fallacies and contradictions. if we use new media to expose the old media as an agent of the state; we are the true agents and watchdogs of Liberty and self preservation. Obama fears this actuality of free speech and assembly. these rights that Statists, and socialists fear, will end their globalist plantation with Obama as their figurehead.

This viral Bias of the media has destroyed the objectivity of the watchdog status of the old media; if we allow the old media dictate there agenda to the nation's citizens as a vehicle of the state. this is a imbalance of power ; and the loss of a objective civil oversight; that can counter the government's claims of from the press secretary or from the executive branch; that adhere to Obama's rhetoric. this form of media bias is in reality a form of  propaganda in it's purest sense. it wants dissent to be attacked and criminalized; thus allowing the current regime to dictate the green agenda or the harass the tea party for viable grievances against the excessive abuses and corruption of the government ; and intrusion above and beyond the Constitution and bill of rights. this the nullification of the republic by the incestuous act of media and government in collusion; thus we have a totalitarian fascist state run by the power brokers for their own agenda, above and beyond the commonwealth of man. thus we have to use the media at our hands before they attempt to kill the Internet. If they kill the Internet or talk radio what is next? right to assemble or speech. ?

Judge Ov the Urn

Don't tread on Me

Thursday, May 6, 2010

From Alinsky to ...

I've been reading  Rules for Radicals by Saul alinsky the Wizard of Obama, and left wing policy makers from the Weather men to Hillary Clinton and her Ilk. But i'm in deep contemplation on possession, property, and liberation and freedom. alinsky does have valid points about reisiting  power of the state or the valid " haves" that control 5% of all wealth and property. But, i ponder do they have anything at all. their megalomania and ego have capitulated them into a perilous chapel of  nothingness. maybe it's my spiritual intuition; or the the viability of the human will. I've examined many political institutions from far right to left; they all are mired in the flotsam of control and power; yet they are but hulks of layers of bureaucracy and imperialism; eg. fascism, communism, socialism. these institutions pertain to the form of statism or the law of the state supercedes law of man and nature; but i follow the universal laws of nature and the universe. man has forgotten these pillars of liberty and providence. If we examine Obama is a form of leviathan of the state a tool of bankers' and the governmental status quo; yet not withstanding any form self will or independence or understanding of liberty.

a true man is willing to suffer and struggle; as Nietzsche espoused in his beautiful blasphemies about Will to power. we as a nation have to strive from the assumption of the mediocrity of society and thrive for the unending , unyielding self-preservation and adventurous power beyond any form of control of a delusional autocracy or socialist oligarchy. the will of man to have or obtain is beyond comprehension; as to yielding to the oppression of the weak, cowardly hypocrisy of the state. I in many ways lack the substance of capital the myriad form s of power is meaningless without it's inherent intention; as the control of commodities or services. I have something banks and governments lack wit and intelligence and humility; in contrast to their unending arrogance and financial assassins they siege on countries with hyperinflation, and liquidating of natural resources.  common sense would say we as nation must expose the central bank; as an internal threat to civil liberties of any color, creed or cultural , and socio-economic situation. As with me I'm working on finding a niche in multiple fields; so i can help my consort; and expand my studies in philosophy, comparative religion and international relations; i studies business, but i saw the fallacy of capital and control of loans from the derivatives market to the excesses of the sub prime mortgages as means to keep society in perpetual debt ie. slavery. the bankers are instrumental in creating wealth:power:control; if you control the purse strings of nations ; you can cause wars, famine, financial collapse or a myriad of other actions. the key is control. 

If the worker sans white collar, or blue still equates to a worker of the inherent system; a cog in the statist system. the family and company or ngo also is part of the cellular structure as the government is the queen bee of the whole structure; yet exempting the the pinnacle players from the true situations of life and struggle.  if the worker realizes that loans from cars to homes are but an illusion; it exposes the bankers power as an inherent illusion; thus the wizard of the system is exposed for lies, fraud and crimes against humanity.

what I'm alluding to is that all political structures are agents of the institutions of control( banks, religious, social). If you peel the layers of chittam and filter the facts from the samizdat; you finally find obtain self-realization. the small 5% that want to control us are a pathetically wealthy lot; so arrogant and megalomaniacal that they forget human ingenuity and resilience from oppression. the laws of war and combat are evolving as with psychological warfare. in the 21st century the worker can create chaos without the fundamental use of the antiquated media whores that have aligned to the powers of the unilateral governments'. the media fears free thought and free speech; as does organized religion. they have a disdain for neo-pagan and paradigm shifting spirituality that transcends faith and espouses wisdom over image and title. for the first shot of revolt is heresy of faith, heresy of government, and heresy of  state.  So in many ways i say" Fuck the God, Country , State". If the viability of the state is built on false pretences  than we can shatter all preconceived notions; of what is justifiable control; thus a paradigm shift of power and control.

My heresy of state is relentless; i am faceless, hidden; until the chaos allows me to strike a blow into the leviathan that has chained us into endless repression. we have a regime built on deception, and division. the dichotomy of unity as a single society built on uniqueness and individuality rather than a society of mindless zombies; worshipping a slave of the elite bankers. yes,  i can and won't mince words anymore. the time of self preservation is now. it wasn't a year ago; but the brink of our destruction is being seeded by this foreign occupying disease in the District of Criminals. they are now "soviet' entity of the commissar and his Politburo; that are attacking the vitality of our nation; by design. look at Greece being looted as the domino strikes another in a chain reaction. One country is whored out the IMF and world bank; and sold down the river for commodities and hyper inflation and devaluing the currency. the key to this is; it's about power and control. to these Elite swine, they feed off of our misery and to them it's a cute little game.

remember, remember your freedom, your power, the unalienbale rights of man.

resistence isn't futile

Judge Ov Urn
EV 2010