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Monday, June 11, 2007

Dedicated to Guy Fawkes, May the Rebellious plot never cease!

Revolt, and Rebellion and the Joy of Restoration and Revelation: the Age of Arum or the Next United States: by Manticore

Why? The word that causes so much grief and also realization of what destruction is abound currently. Why is our nation destabilizing as our citizens are so blind to the powers of slavery and tyranny. A revolt is a word that is a necessary evil against evil. It is as potent as civil war or insurrection a revolt poses fundamental questions about the veneer of democracy and totalitarianism. Are they twins that hold a the same blood of a country of soldiers that are used as fodder for imperialism or the a war for democracy. I can’t see the validity to have war when there is no threat to our country, except to force our culture on a republic, such as ourselves. But, this rash, irrational act of war, has caused our government to become a creature of fear, loathing, greed, and repression. This is identified in the department of homeland security. A symbol of totalitarianism, under the guise of patriotism . If the government begins to unleash pogroms of control on our constitutional freedom, than we must examine the powers that we elected . Why are thy fundamentally working to subjugate our freedom for this mythic security. Is it for our way of life, or the illusion of our freedom. Is democracy a velvet glove, on an iron fist called totalitarianism. Democracy is flawed, as is our republic. Our freedom is hanging on a thread with a noose. This thread is the thread that has allowed America to thrive as a bastion of freedom; but if it falls we will live a world of oppression and war. It is important to examine and assault the forces of the encroaching forces of repression. We must be aware that our government must fear us, for we also are a nation of that is sick of being lied too, and being misused for the government that is about to serve us, again. The government has to be grounded back to reality, to serve us, or be destroyed, and restored to it’s proper position as a land of freedom and hope. I am not for the peaceful protests of Martian Luther King or Gandhi. I consider it a weak and useless act. Rebellion and revolt are a willingness to use every fibre of the soul of man to strike into the heart of a corrupt system and destroy it, like st. Charles slaying the dragon.

The act of rebellion and revolt, is important to freedom and liberty. It is creating a balance and equilibrium to the adverse forms of government. A rebellion can be seen in philosophical and symbolic, but, not it is time to act in the literal fashion. No more special interests groups, but a convergence of people as a force. To revolt in a act that will make any tyrant feel fear. Feel fear, and wonder what is next. Revolting is to revolt against all forms of control and powers that are misused. Our nation is complacent, in it’s comfortable living; they don’t look ahead twenty years or five hundred. Well, some of us; do and America is looking more and more grim. A revolt is an act of purification and restoration. All nation go through revolts, revolutions and civil wars. It is an natural act of a nation to cleanse the old and restore it with new ideals, and ideas. It is an active act of purging the system that has become a disease and affected the nervous system of the body of man. Our government is that a maligned tumor, and has poisoned the body of freedom, free will and liberty. Terms I consider our country has forgotten; and now it’s time to restore the sons of liberty , by an act of force.
A revolt as I stated is natural mechanism to purge the political body of a country. It also causes a restoration of cultural ideals, and societal redistribution of wealth. This restoration will cause more sociatal examination of the cancer of corruption in our complacent culturee that I persoanly refuse to live by. This refusal of mine is a personal rebellion, and revolt. It is a cause that most men can’t comprehend. I’ve attuned my will to actualized freedom, by any method from wealth to politics to protocols of secret societies. Yes, I want and will create the right environment for a rebellion and revolt. But, with this comes a responsibility of restoration of the once great nation called America.

The revolt is something power structures fear , because they can’t control society when the linchpin, is pulled. It is chaos, and disorder that they fear. They will be hunted, down the streets and strung up. If it happens , than a public safety committee1 can resolve the violence. And yes, their will be violence. All acts of rebellion cause violence, so a new government can be restored with a constitution built with principles and respect. As a constitutionalist, I am for a restoration of our constitutional system and the bill of rights. And swift acts of justice on the traitors within our state. A revolt has to be planned and executed with a single intent. A counter to the treasoneous act that caused 911 and beyond. This act has to compound all actions to bring forth an examination of America as a nation and country. What we are? Who are we and what is our future? Do we want to save our nation and it’s envoroment, and begin to stride into the futre as a guiding light of creativity in energy and space, and social cohesion. A trye freedom of relgion and freedom of speech, separate from the bigots and zealots that cause terror and hatred. The nation has lost it’s illuminating lustre, in the mass that has lost it’s focus. I am disgusted by this trend that has consumed them in blind materialism, and the growing imperial junta that is slowly ooozing the scent of oligrachy and treachery. To remedy this we have to remedy the actions of despots through terror for by terror, as used by the ones in government inflicting terror.
"But when, by prodigious efforts of courage and reason, a people breaks the chains of despotism to make them into trophies of liberty; when by the force of its moral temperament it comes, as it were, out of the arms of the death, to recapture all the vigor of youth; when by tums it is sensitive and proud, intrepid and docile, and can be stopped neither by impregnable ramparts nor by the innumerable ammies of the tyrants armed against it, but stops of itself upon confronting the law's image; then if it does not climb rapidly to the summit of its destinies, this can only be the fault of those who govern it."2

Despostism has to resolved by subtle, silent methods, as akin to a virus, always adapting to the enviroment, as martial law looms to a global war. The remedy of depotism is to reinstitiute tyranncide and ponder the consequences of the political forces that have ruled the nation for multiple centureies. These despots are the true enemies of the nation, traitors with their titles and illusory image. This act of treachery is the act to their demise.3
"The one is the mass of citizens, pure, simple thirsting for justice and friends of liberty. It is this virtuous people that spills all its blood to found the republic that is imposing to internal enemies and shakes the thrones of tyrants. these repulsive tyrants with hereditary driven nepotism and the megalomania to establish ruel over the communiity reflect how the general populas has a true fear of freedom. As thomas paine sated succinctly a moanrcy or oligracy is a moackery of freewill.4"To the evil of monarchy we have added that of hereditary succession; and as the first is a degradation and lessening of ourselves, so the second, claimed as a matter of right, is an insult and imposition on posterity. For all men being originally equals, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others for ever, and tho' himself might deserve some decent degree of honours of his contemporaries, yet his descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them. One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of hereditary right in Kings, is that nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule, by giving mankind an ASS FOR A LION.
Secondly, as no man at first could possess any other public honors than were bestowed upon him, so the givers of those honors could have no power to give away the right of posterity, and though they might say "We choose you for our head," they could not without manifest injustice to their children say "that your children and your children's children shall reign over ours forever." Because such an unwise, unjust, unnatural compact might (perhaps) in the next succession put them under the government of a rogue or a fool. Most wise men in their private sentiments have ever treated hereditary right with contempt; yet it is one of those evils which when once established is not easily removed: many submit from fear, others from superstition, and the more powerful part shares with the king the plunder of the rest."
The other is a mass of the ambitious and intriguers, it’s the chatting, charlatan, artificial people who show themselves everywhere, who persecute patriotism, who grab onto the tribunes and often the public functions; who abuse the learning that the advantages of the ancien regime gave them in order to fool public opinion. It’s this people of rogues, of foreigners, of hypocritical counter-revolutionaries who place themselves between the people and their representatives in order to fool the one and slander the other; to block their operations, to turn against the public good the most useful laws and the most salutary truths.
As long as this impure race exists the Republic will be unhappy and precarious. It’s up to you to deliver it by an imposing energy and an unalterable concert.
Those who seek to divide us, those who stop the march of the government, those who slander it every day among you by perfidious insinuations, those who seek to form against it a dangerous coalition of all the evil passions, of irascible pride, of all the interests opposed to the public interest are your enemies and those of the fatherland. They are foreign agents.
They are the successors of Brissot, of Hebert, of Danton. If they were to reign one day the Fatherland would be lost.
In saying these things I sharpen daggers against myself, and it is precisely for this that I say them.
You will persevere in your principles and in your triumphal march. You will put down crime and you will save the fatherland...
I have lived long enough... I saw the French people rise up from degradation and servitude to the heights of Glory and Freedom. I saw the chains broken and the guilty thrones that weigh upon the earth near to being overthrown by triumphant hands.
I saw a yet more astonishing marvel, a marvel that monarchical corruption and the experience of the first period of our Revolution barely allowed to be seen as possible: an assembly invested with the strength of the French nation, marching with a rapid and firm step towards public happiness, devoted to the cause of the people and to the triumph of equality, worthy of giving to the world the signal of Liberty and the example of all the virtues.
Accomplish, Citizens, accomplish your sublime destiny. You have placed us in the vanguard to bear up under the first efforts of the enemies of Liberty; we will be worthy of this honor, and with our blood we will trace the route of immortality.
May you constantly deploy that unquenchable energy which you need to put down the monsters of the universe that conspire against you, and to then enjoy in peace the benedictions of the people and of the fruits of your virtues."

These thugs with their consolidated power are the true disease that have raped liberty and providence for their own personal interests. In that I declare a sovereign revolt to dissolve the unlawful nation of the United States; until a rightful government can be properly restored under the premises of divine laws of man and sovereign compact dedicated to illumination and freewill or the the preamble to the US constitution. That all men are created equal. All men are equal bu t some men have to alter the current inverse governance that has restored man into chains" Government undergoes contraction when it passes from the many to the few, that is, from democracy to aristocracy, and from aristocracy to royalty. To do so is its natural propensity."
The dissolution of their illegitimate of government, by honorable means or means to institute a formal revolt that will dissolve the corrupt government that has to be restored by any justifiable means or it will crumble into chaos.5"First, when the prince ceases to administer the State in accordance with the laws, and usurps the Sovereign power. A remarkable change then occurs: not the government, but the State, undergoes contraction; I mean that the great State is dissolved, and another is formed within it, composed solely of the members of the government, which becomes for the rest of the people merely master and tyrant. So that the moment the government usurps the Sovereignty, the social compact is broken, and all private citizens recover by right their natural liberty, and are forced, but not bound, to obey.
The same thing happens when the members of the government severally usurp the power they should exercise only as a body; this is as great an infraction of the laws, and results in even greater disorders. There are then, so to speak, as many princes as there are magistrates, and the State, no less divided than the government, either perishes or changes its form".
This act of dissolution has to realized as a ct of true sovereignty with effects of freewill or anarchy. People will have to rely on their own, with no form of law to use until there is a recognition of a civil compact that allows people to have governance and respect of their will, property and happiness with-out inflicting harm or acts of despotism than a government will be recognized.6"In these, and the like cases, when the government is dissolved, the people are at liberty to provide for themselves by erecting a new legislative differing from the other by the change of persons, or form, or both, as they shall find it most for their safety and good. For the society can never, by the fault of another, lose the native and original right it has to preserve itself, which can only be done by a settled legislative and a fair and impartial execution of the laws made by it. But the state of mankind is not so miserable that they are not capable of using this remedy till it be too late to look for any. To tell people they may provide for themselves by erecting a new legislative, when, by oppression, artifice, or being delivered over to a foreign power, their old one is gone, is only to tell them they may expect relief when it is too late, and the evil is past cure. This is, in effect, no more than to bid them first be slaves, and then to take care of their liberty, and, when their chains are on, tell them they may act like free men. This, if barely so, is rather mockery than relief, and men can never be secure from tyranny if there be no means to escape it till they are perfectly der it; and, therefore, it is that they have not only a right to get out of it, but to prevent it"

With the verge of political turmoil in this besieged country, a popular uprising could cause the necessary tide of true patriotism or political blasphemy that separates the freedom fighters from the true terrorists that currently inflict psychological warfare on the citizens of this nation. As a uprising festers and boils , it will allow for the true rage of the nation to obtain a vengeance on the corruption of the politicians that have lied to us, through their cruel posturing and hypocrisy. It is the action that allows man to conquer the demon of despotism. The cause of the uprising is the abuse and suppression of freedoms , by the politicians that are the catalyst to the uprising. It isn’t baseless wars or manipulated economies; no it’s the ethical reasoning of the uprising. The loss of freedom makes men become warriors that will kill for theit rights, and protect their family, even if it involves the ultimate sacrafice. Our nation that excessively abuses it’s power and is obsessed with material possessions has forgotten self-providence and Liberty; due to the growing malfeasance of the specter of government corruption and restrictions on personal freedoms i.e.. Rights. The current democracy we live in seems fleeting from the living document that has been abused and misinterpreted as a document of fragmented rights. A tolerant nation must live by it’s laws or changed through rebellion and revolution to instill a just government. Not a citizenry that is made paranoid and driven by fear by policies of the corrupt party system and fear-mongering of the Executive department on issues of war, terror, fiscal responsibility and other responsibilities of the citizenry. But, the government has allowed the Populus to become lazy and greedy thus allowing the government to put fear into the hearts of men, but the government should fear the populous. And the republic and democracy are fleeting towards a disaster of fascism, totalitarianism and corruption.

To resolve current actions of the aristocracy either two things can occur a revolt or a purge. A purge is a aristocratic cleansing of all families and heads of any oligarical claims and aristocratic heirs. Therefore restoring t he democratic governance after a temporary goverenment is restored under the articles of confederation. It is understandable not all aristocrats follow the strong arm tactics of the government and it’s corporate partners. . also oligarches use jingoism and nepotism to continue their control of all branches of government. A purge will essentially kill the family bloodline from the first to the last. It is a tyrannicide that may have to be utilized to restore this country to it’s greatness.

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