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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

OBEY Obama

Congratulations Commissar Obama:

When you say HOPE, I see misery and pain.

When you say Change, I ask where?

He is called the Messiah, the One, a Savior? Why?

The media are lapdogs of this agenda of protracted Green Socialism; yes, these Bailouts are a means towards an ends. The audacity is opaque, the symbolism of his platform and his cabinet are obvious. His Wise man is Z. Brzezinski a globalist , and illuminist. you ran an exemplary campaign ,or was it planned in your favor. The changing of the guard; or just a bait and switch. The singular demopub and republicrat serve their corporate interests; the bilderberg group, council on foreign relations, The Club of Rome; but never any true American constitutional law. The republic should wake up into this dawn of a new Barack New World. The Cult of Personality is established, as is the Symbolism of his Obama Power. I am a skeptic and cynic; of these hydra headed parties. They serve Un-American interests and also are domestic threat to our national security with no relevant substance to our issues and policies that serve our national interests . I see the zealotism, and pomp and circumstance; yet it is meaningless. this is not my nation and my country; I'm now a Hidden American; sworn to uphold the Constitution and Bill of rights. As is our Commissar Obama.

I wish you well in your Term. continue the Nepotism, and corruption; may your propaganda bring your followers to a frenzy. I will watch with enlightened eyes; I am freedom and liberty; I am Vigilance and vigor, and i shall not have slumber in these days.


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