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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Baltimore: the city that kills

Baltimore: the Gothic city along the Chesapeake bay is known for it's crabs, Preakness, natty boh, std's and now is the highest for it's murder rate. our bumbling naive city council are part of the problem, and the Baltimore police have their hands tied by the commissioner and mayor who disregard these acts of violence as racial divide. the minority population knows their is an inherent problem when the city hierarchy doesn't accept that the majority has a crime problem that arise from it's race and also culture that promotes, crime in it's music and not-snitching. i see this city is complacent in it's action to protect professionals and tourists and possible business to business to investing in the city. instead they avoid confronting the major issue of the localized crime and gang violence that causes murder rates to increase. the police have no power to resolve it because the current major is disciple of o'malley's non-committal police of the current police commish. I am annoyed, upset that the mayor has no integrity to approach the issue, because she doesn't want to confront gang violence and that is black on black violence. this willful ignorance is unacceptable of the current administration It reflects our nation's avoidance of pertaint issues that crime is not caused by citizens who are consumed by the thuggery of the drug culture, and the hood life. it can be resolved by a new york city policing model as previously executed by former commish Ed Norris. Also ending sprawl projects and investing in education ans anti-gang violence. revitalization has to occur in the major areas infested with this disease of inner city murders and crime. eventually it bleed towards the burbs.

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