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Monday, November 5, 2007

Madonna should practice my KaBaLA

My spiritual path isn't fulled with golden paths of celebrity clients and Hollywood centers. Spirituality is built on suffering, purification, putrefaction and perfection; or Ordo Et Chao and Solve et Coagula. Madonna should burn her textbooks and fire her guru. I will send her through a path of the severity and mildness, and the middle pillar by a systematic
Initiation process that would make Crowley proud. I will reveal to her that she is not Esther and never will be. I will show truth is beyond the old religions and that the Old Ones have prevailed . I will throw her into the abyss with calculated results . the practice of KaBaLa , based on the Sepher Sephirot and also the Zohar; but the mysteries of Enoch and the allegorical codex's that predated the apocrypha and all the monotheistic religions. the Prophets that are held as leaders of the apocalypse know the mysteries their in the Koran, Bible, and Old Testament. The Book of enoch and Dead sea scrolls and Gnostic scriptures are but part of the secret of man's ascension. Kabala is much deeper than germatia, notkorian and temurah. It is unravelling the mystery of self and the universe. it is acess to he veils of existence that society and religion fear to tread. But, I utilize magick and yoga with Kabala as a formula to surpass the Crown of Illumination. To Madonna and her acolytes, i would appreciate to reveal to them the gnosis that they seek; but i don't want any followers,and seekers are the threat of truth. they are the zealots and fanatics. Cults to me are old as the modern death religions, this is the time of Babalon,Beast, and Pan . Not of Yeshuah, Jesus Christ, Mohamed and Alla. I spit on their crapulous creeds and chew out their eyes like a venomous vulture. Madonna should come to my town in secret, and work with me in my temple of ZAST. I won't make spirituality into a phony facade, or watered down mysticism, but i will rip open the veils of existence with tenacity and vigor. I will expose Madonna to forces that would make her wince. And her guru Berg. the adepts I work with on a open basis , know what we do, isn't built on the crassness of faith; but the mystery of illumination and truth. Madonna wants to go beyond religion; than I invite her into my Urn.


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