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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Free Maryland: The Free State?

The Teflon leprechaun has done a taxation to attack the middle class, that is against his welfare state, as he imposes his revenge on the Ehrlich camp. Our State has become a Peoples Republic with no form of cheques ,and balances and true constituent control of the state congress. the state senate and congress are under a cloak of a single party and that is a misrepresentation of the state identity to the political atheists and limited government believers, it seems that a state revolution to elect out all aide-De-camps of the Teflon leprechaun out of office or create a Free to call for a constitutional congress and secession.

this Multi-billion dollar taxation is an insult of what statewide corruption left without resolve can cause. this formulaic attack on the middle class is done by the yuppie loving O'Malley Socialists. that believe in higher taxes are more viable than having Slots that can compete against other true free states with growing disenfranchise with all centralized government and bureaucracy, and taxation with no fundamental representation. A free state is a merger of ideas, and policies that are based on the citizens gripes; but the lobbying and corruption have destroyed the idea of a viable republic and operable democracy. I am appalled to be a Marylander and American. i love my country, but our national government has lost touch with reality and it's citizens. we need to have a revolution, dissent, sedition , insurrection or Restoration.

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