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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Meithras day Winter solstice, Satunralia a few poems of mine

Radio Meithras
solar force, circle cyle, mind trip

surface, dial this

myth sun glare the sun star there you are

mind trip deep in the orange burst flare

helio, dance above me

ray of solar storm

equinox turn, this flame of brilliancy

aquila, solar helio, flame of sol

myth ras

solar disk sun

phallakos, force of one

all power dial, on

ariel of solar kiss

fire, perfect, word

logos divine sol

Ra, Sol, Om, On

Radio Myth Ra's

winged disk we are upon

myth, sun dance

star sun, one, helio


abra aXis

equinotal aX

abraXas palladin

black fire and warm rooster

abra aXis

cycle of fire and storm

solar adoration of the legion

perfect force in 365 apogee

abraXas power and vital energy

axe of will and strength

Praetorian of the solar Cesar


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