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Sunday, December 9, 2007

The wise men: King Makers; or how I saw america turn into Amerika

Our president Obama are puppets of the Ruling establishment. To serve the interests of the Banking oligarchs' that have no loyalty to any nation-states and sovergienty. The elite Aristocracy of this supposed Democracy and true Republic. Certain Foreign Policy societies, operate in secret to coronate certain players to run for State and national offices and to continue their Draconian policies of Death, slavery, and the pursuit of Sadness. These people are slaves themselves of Organization and affiliates of the Bilderbergers, Trilateral commision and Council on Foreign Reltions Run by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski to push his global fascist vision, with selected presidential puppets to serve his whim. So he can dictate energy policies for the Oil elites and continue an unjust war with no end in sight as our nation falls economically with a plunging dollar.

The meeting of Bilderberg in 2008 in Chantilly caused the implosion of the Global ecnomy with select fincial players who are both cuaed and are part of the cleanup of the fiancial recession. The use of Henry Paulson to correct the ecnomic plunge, Bernake to adjust interest rates and allow the morgated cris to fall, timothy giethner to correct the actions by Paul volker and Alan greenspan. thier puppets Obama are used to ease the Bailouts on the unwitting masses with the Cultof personality outweighing depth over personality. The use of Obama as symbol creates a Cult-like oberdeince to the protracted socialism and eventual totalitariansim from the emergence of a one party state; i see mirror images of Nazi germany.

These puppet masters Are part of the Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Grove, and Tri-lateral Commission; with no loyalties to any sovereign country such as the United States of America. These functionaries work as consorts to the elite families from the Rockefeller's, Rothschild and other royal families and/or Banking families to establish a Oligarchy over any sovereign nation with these presidential leaders, as their figureheads to appease the society they lead. But, their loyalties rest elsewhere in the pocket of the Elites that they serve . So figure Obama Mr. change himself is more loyal to the Kennedy's and Rockefeller than the Electorate and the constituency that supposedly voted for him. But the electoral process is another blog I'll elaborate on. But, look at how Obama rise to a messiah like status from being a state senator of Illinois to presidential candidate; and McCain the flip-flopper liberal republican or was it the conservative republican. Both show loyalties to either Political families Like the Bush machine that has bogged us down in a senseless war and ruined our economy as he used the hgelian model to destablize the foreign policy as the dissent over the war and ecnomy was iniated by Obama as the "savior".

The King makers select and choose candidates that will cull the dimwitted Masses. the frenzy of the Obama followers, shows how cunning they are to soothe the society with rhetoric of the duopoly of the democratic and republican hydra. Using these methodologies to cull the masses they can apply policies to ruin the nation's strengths and divide and conquer every segment of society. the validity of this is the use of applied Hegelian dialectical ,and Malthusian economic terrorism. yes, I'm not holding back. the use of controlled candidates isn't a just democracy and republic. the true voice of free speech and having multiple parties isn't tangible with a this fixed method of pre-selecting candidates and coronating them for the ultimate office. thus nullifies the true aspect of democracy and liberty. thus the candidates in this presidential race are truly null and void. And i won't participate in this fraud; until our rule of Law is restored under the US Constitution.


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