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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

the weary bones of the OTO

Comment on the OTO By Manticore

At this time the O.T.O. was an excellent training school for adepts, but hardly an appropriate Order for the manifestation of Thelema. Therefore, in spite of your motto you were not able to formulate your Will.
The invalidity of the OTO is very apparent, it is place for fraternal and socializing, but the pretenders to the throne and suppressors of the Law of thelema, are the persistence followers of the black lodge and true leaders of Sin is restriction, but it is restriction is sin. They have suppressed the works of Aleister Crowley’s hidden writings when they are meant to promulgated in all languages. The OTO has lost it’s luster as an order, as the A.:A.: continues to operate with silence, and the law of the sphinx. Today, I see the MCOTO’s to be a far cry from it’s origins. From the absurd control of the Caliphate and it’s stranglehold on Thelema, and Crowley’s writings and legacy. I find it disconcerting and obscene. I feel that it is disgusting that the OTO is fragmented and divided, over works and writings of the Mega Therion that were meant to be universal and open and free. The OTO and it’s rogue OTO’s have been focused on the wrong intentions as adepts. Where is the focus to train suitable adepts to teach the Law of thelema, and the Law of Love or is the OTO a flagrant disgrace of Thelema. The OTO has to look into itself, and bury the hatchet, and find a unifying position, rather than being consumed by greed and jealousy, as the Bones of the OTO slowly are being buried by neo-pagan inclusive groups, and practitioners of magick without restriction by experimenting and syncratic ideologies. They use the Law as a formidable forde and fire, without dogma and allegiance to a Caliph or the heads of OTOS’. I feel that either the OTO do serious soul searching in the desert, or bury itself and let the aeon choose its successor with Will and Liberty, love, Life, and Lite.

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