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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

confessions of a political atheist

What is wrong with our nation? is it the inherent fact that we care less about substance, than image. We have elections rigged to have a coronated president assume office. We have political wings that represent a single party with two distinct ideologies. this dualopoly has limited true fundamental change of our political climate. this allows for politcal dynasties from Kennedy's , Bush and Clinton. I regard this as a subtle form of oligarchical rule. thus democracy is being designed by a select few elites, devising who will run for president, and dictate the foreign policy , through military force ,or by economic policies.

I look at the presidential hopefuls ,and they all have a specfic affilation, the Council of Foreign Relations ,or the Bilderberg Group. These organizations directly threaten our national soverignty, and republic. These societies usea systematic methodology with a select cadre orchestrating the vision of our a nation by industrialists, politcal insideres, billionaries, foreign nationals, monarchs and private corporations. This isn't democracy but, an insult to our Republic. I'm amused by this brazen form of incrimental socialism. they impliment policies that have no national agenda or allegiance to the american agenda. but, focus on this global government. as a politcal atheist; i show no allegience to the dual party structure, becuse it is a mockery of a tru dcmocracy, and when our federal government has been hijcaked by insurrection and sedition. this means our nation is under politcal terrorism, eithr domesticly and by foreign interests.

If obama is change than why does he cater to the Kennedies? We know Hillary is part of the Clinton Bush global machine. But these canidates show no true opinion on the illegal war in Afganistan and Iraq. The threat to our national borders also is being exploited by the actions of 43 creating a illegal American Union. this isn't about trade ; but control. which canidate truly offers systemaltic change, from repealling the federal reserve act and other acts that are treasonous, and illegal.

As a dissillusioned citizen; i truly feel that my voice isn't being heard. I work ferverishly for a better life, and i'm taxed to death, and have to struggle for my family to stay out of debt. I am concernd that my generation is being lied to; about out national wealth and ecnomic benchmark. It seems to me, that we are the global agresor, and also leading debtor nation, and have lost out industrial influence and leadership in positve foreign policy. this decline of our nation relfects how the emerging ecnomies view us, as a bully and selfish nation. i am disgustedby my nation and country; especially my government ; that embraced draconian laws against our persoanl rights that are divine.

As a politcal atheist ; we need to reflect on our path as a nation; before wen end up in gulag done by our own means. Our leaders work for us; yet we allow them to abuse us? are we that mascochsitic as a scoiety; or do i see the society more a nation of inherently ignorant sheep. apathy and pop culture has allowed our nation to become a dumbed down redneck culture. i am embarassed that we have no charisma and will to reist this dark age. thes elite should know ; people like me are organizing like cells, and multiplying into exponentialy. we won't bow down to any government or any oligarchy or tyrant. If a revolution is necessary that I shall elect to be a force in that. I feel no sorrow for the politcal advisors and bueracrats that are intimidated by these illicit societies. i wish condelezza rice would squeal about the controllers that put fear in here during the G-8 in 2007 as the Bilderberg group were having thier confrence.

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