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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

confessions of a politcal atheist: God, country and the fallacy of the american dream

Our puppet leaders, continually lie to us, about correcting the energy debacle that they inherently created, as we struggle for survival as the American Fire sale continues. the 16% rise in inflation and, the lapse of action by the leadership in congress to turn our nation into a energy independent nation is subject to threats by Iran, environmentalists with the tundra called ANWAR, and off-shore drilling. They forget alternate energy technology from Tesla, hydrogen power, biomass, ethanol, hydroelectric, win power, the use of Maglev to curb the use of Peak oil. i could continue, but I will post a scathing attack on Peak oil and energy for the people,and by the people.

Our nation is deluded to believe that God can dictate foreign policy, as our esteemed President Dubya is lead by god in dictating Foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is that should god be involved in government, and is that a cabinet position? If religion is merged with government doesn't that nullify a democracy , or we'll consult the ayatollah or the Pope for guidance of a theocratic nation-state. If god is vital to political structure than I'm screwed for i feel religion corrupts politics, and also politics corrupts religion. As a free-thinker with a luciferian bent, i firstly wouldn't run for office, because of my anti-religious stance, and anti-jingoistic views. thus I am the anathema of all political animals of the elephant and donkey persuasion stick in Dr. Moreau's gene farm. I see our nation's government has to be godless in government, and separate from any form of religious persuasion, so it is color blind to religion, but for Co-existence.

I support our futile wars , but our occupying Armies need to come home, as we are being sold on the stocks to China, the European Union and other bond holders of trillion dollar debt. As our supposed leaders sell us up the river, proposing a American union and Amero, as our dollar, plummets in free fall. Our middle class is being taxed, billed and foreclosed on, as the government is bilking us like a pimp to a whore at a roman orgy. The American dream has become a mythic joke unless your a celebrity that has loyalties to the bilderberg group or the council on foreign Relations. The American dream is a true fallacy. Where are the fireworks, apple pie, the picket fence. Of it's being foreclosed on, as the mortgage bankers go belly up in the sub-prime mortgage crisis, as the real estate industry re-aligns. thus, the Generation X struggles to acquire wealth, education and live free or die tryin; are disaffected with religion, god if their is one, and Country, As we still have the life blood for life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and property. And from my providence to live as freeman, they will have to pry a gun from my anti-god, skeptical of country and government, and will fight for my Dream. Fuck off taxman, fuck off bilderberg, fuck off government, fuck off religious nuts, fuck you!!!

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