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Friday, July 4, 2008

confessions of a political atheist: the foreign policy ruse

Our puppet masters who attempt to control public policy and opinion, try to cause unprovoked wars, for the war racket: IE. military industrial complex. you create enemies and wars to continue a war based economy, eve thought he dollar is plunging, Asian bond holders are selling off the dollar because it's the government is involved i the use of false flag terrorism, and covert operations to provoke covert operations in Iran, Iraq, and other nations of sovereignty. Using the War on Terror, a war based on false intelligence and false propaganda; are part of the hydra that wants a continuous war economy built on the grounds of the hawkish globalists. But, the issues of famine, global warming, jobs, and education among many issues can be resolved with Eco-friendly agendas. With a Multi-lateral agreements can allow for a nations to become leaders of alternate energy polices, and destabilize the oil and military industrial complex that literally holds us by the proverbial short and curlies.

The Ruse is the Global Intelligence community is more about causing terrorism to establish totalitarian rule amongst Asian sector nations, that refuse to follow the Dictates of the G-8 ,CFR, Bilderberger arm of David Rockefeller's , fascist policies. This use of military bait and switch, exposes the Bush regime to using terrorism to foist wars against sovereign nations. thus the provocation of war with Iran, isn't viable , under international Law. Using state-sponsored terrorism, is used by the United states by the Bush regime to create a climate of fear and paranoia, and creating Intelligence assets like Bin Laden to become a Asset to foment fear and disdain among the Arab nations, and also allow the American people to have a hollow patriotism, and false sense of civility. The use of this Maya is that the global leaders under the Bilderberger round table and G-8 meetings are planning these wars, for there greedy private objectives. the majority of these wars, are for controlling the majority masses in tho having a continuity of fear and hatred of the opposition, Jew and Arab, American, and Arab, Black and white, Poor, and rich. It's so opaque, the use of dividing and conquering of these wanna be gods. the game is up. the Dragon has the Illuminati's puppet master by it's proverbial short and curlies.


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