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Monday, December 22, 2008

confessions of a politcal athiest: Chicagoland

Money, it's a crime.Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today.But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're giving none away.

Money (Waters) 6:32

The bush administration had it's fair share of scandals, and ineptitude from the Plame affair to the faked Intel on the weapons of mass destruction . Even the Corruption of Jack Abamoff is pale to the Chicago style of politicking. The current Governor of Illinois was just a pawn in Hobama machine reminiscent of Tammany hall . To all neophytes in the 1800's to late 60's. This form of institutionalized corruption changes the bureaucracy into a Chicago style cabal run by Hobama and his cockroaches. Now, to the liberal observing this they will contend that I'm a conservative; that is not the case. I see the truth for what it is. This form of corruption allows Hobama to have no blood on his hands, as his new henchman Rahm Immanuel will enforce his laws. Blago tried to inch his way into Hobama's network and got squashed. Look at the ripple effect with that desperately pathetic "sweet Caroline" Schollsberg-Kennedy desperate attempt to win Hillary's seat ; but Obama controls her interests by maneuvering her to the Department of State. Thus allowing her to control and work with her contributors and influence foreign policy by a axis of Liberalism Clinton/Hobama or Brzezinsky's baby. My how the nepotism and corruption runs deep from New York to Chicago if you look at the obviosness of the entrenched liberal establishment with their Herald Hobama to lead hem into at the Nexis of institutional corruption and socialist policies, Marxist ideologies that characterize the Constitution as a living and adaptable document. and allowing for their interpretation under the viewpoint of Marx in contrast to Jefferson or Hamilton. To sell a senate seat by bribes and pay-offs is well old school. Hell Blago should of studied the Karl Rove playbook ,or consulted with Abramoff's honey pot. If you consider this machine as a radical leftist apparatus it is correct on how controlled it is. With Herr Hobama and his inner circle of acolytes dictating to the Cabinet, and selecting his policy via. a Marxist-communist education professor affiliated with a(Weather Underground). This Chicago style corruption is entrenched that the Audacity of the Liberal B-listers want to run so thy can have Hobama protect their back room deals for spurious pork barrel Eco-projects for a suspected Global warming initiative. Is just a ruse to control the American industry ,and control the society by environmental fear-mongering; similar to Bush but they utilized terrorism as their vehicle for control ; as a contrast to saving the planet due to Global warming or enviromental initiatives used to decentralize economies, and industrialization or sending us back into the stone ages with a behemoth of a corrupt government and bureaucracy to watch our every move. this corruption doesn't care about our liberty or self-determination; it prefers absolute cronyism, nepotism , and despotism under the tutelage of saving the children and the world.

I may be cynical but, those bailouts fucked the children and the free-market system; now under a centralized national bank; that goes against the importance of Private bank dictating policy to a any form of Democratic government or private business. But, I'm digressing. We are about to enter into a political machine that is criminal , and corrupt it will make Mr. Rove begging for dirty tricks. But the Vast Right wing conspiracy now, is riding the coat tails of a Liberal Congress, a Liberal senate, a Liberal liberals Presidente' , and a liberal Judiciary. I'd say that Chicagoland has all ready succeeded in it's coup de grace.



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