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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

confessions of a political athiest: Death of the Republic

The new administration has brought a scale of bureaucracy and protracted socialism, and our new administrator, hasn't even assumed his puppet office yet. Col. House would be so proud.The New new deal or how i turned a Democratic republic into a autocracy with soft socialism is becoming a actuality. the use of political bureaucracy for auto manufacturers to bailing out the economic sector. is just the fundamental beginning of the dismantling of our republic into a American union. i say that with a sombre alliteration. The republic built on laizze faire principles and limited government has been replaced by the structure that government knows best from homeland security to social security. but, who needs this . Our founding fathers espoused civil liberty, self-reliance and responsibility, and get this liberty. yes, that is a dangerous premise. Not a state dictating what the business sector will manufacture or what we are to eat or prescribe medical benefits. is see the constant big brother: nanny state in overdrive, and abuses of political correctness. Now, I'm not a right-wing wackjob, or left -wing Eco freak; but a i see both of them are a mutual problem. their ideology has fragmented our liberty and the bill of rights into a draconian state of fear and paranoia. this allows the application of internal police forces to converge over our civil liberties Ie. straight, gay, black, white, who the fuck cares. this allows our republic to be dismantled by litigation and career politicos who serve private interests rather than the constituents that we've seen with this shakedown called the bailouts'. Our pussifed nation of slobbering soccor moms, nascar dads and ____- Americans is a form of balkanization. it's dividing and conquering through fear ,and ignorance. the act of liberty ,and questioning the leaders that have concurrently destroyed our public trust, and should be accountable from domestic and foreign treason. The acts occurring within our country are crimes of high treason. If our republic falls i blame it on the morass of the mass; voting for leaders who are buffoons and are afraid of true statesmen who give a flying shit about this nation. But that may be seen as extreme.

this republic is Masonic experiment from it's inception. the Constitution is document of liberty, and freedom as is the bill of rights. But today it is determined to be null and void. the extremists have determined that socialism is more applicable to our country ; than a republic with leaders that represent our opinions. but, I'm probably sounding too realistic. The corruption has allowed for our nation to be hijacked from the inside and looted. So adios America, adios liberty; welcome to the United socialist states of America.

My country piss on thee, Sweet land of tyranny....


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