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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vehm: Elites be warned

you are so smug with your globalist agendas coming to fruition. your arrogance is your downfall. wait as your pawns are grabbed by night, and hunted down by faceless demons of the night and tortured by your own wolves. yes, your foes are watching your every move, we will kill for our freedoms and hunt you down with no limits.

we are anonymous, we are legion, we are Vehm.

you have your secret meetings to plan your global agendas and then act local. we will wait to to strike. the elite billionaires and monarchies; you will suffer the most foul consequences of your inhuman actions. you increase interest on our fuel, water, food thus creating your demise. a smart worker is your only threat; not the dullards influenced by media lies and Hollywood manipulation. we are aware of you sparking conflicts for personal gain; and corporatist interests'; but liberty is more precious than wealth. only a wise man knows true wealth is in the heart of the master. your manna will wither as a new america will arise from the ashes of your fucked up fatal visions of arrogance and control. you leave us a raped planet, polluted and worn out like a cheap whore. she is like arrakis; a gem in dust or in water. we will remain vigilant.

communique !

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