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Thursday, July 9, 2009

seccedth with me; or be a slave to the federal system

i haven't blogged in while; so i could contemplate a course of action. it seems daily that our government has become more and more pervaasive along with state and regional adjunct governments. this encroaching government isn't about liberty, providence or self-preservation.

our nation is systematiclly being balkanized through a course of action of "divide and conquer" through economic terrorism, racial derision, class warfare, and endless wars. with cap and trade will cause a further hit on american capitalism and free trade. with the socialist regime using media as a tool for propgandizing the " change" and "hope" through protracted socialism and creating a cradle to grave handout society. thus creating a destitute nation of pussyfied, lazy fat americans; who forgotten about liberty through revolt. revolution and secession.

it is time to take our greivences to the corrupt federal governemnt and revolt ; or sececed with just cause. our nation is dismantled in front of us; by a puppet of globalists bankers.

secession will allow us to dismantle to levithan currently occupying the us government. we can dismantle the federal reserve, and the party system and restore the bill of rights and consitution by any necessary means. if sedition and secession has to be used thier will be blood. it iwll create a civil war or a revolt that will trump the " public servants" of thier power. this power base that we are currently under is about control and power. it's not about liberty and freedom. they are using fear and chaos to lull society into beliving in out corrupt officials who are unfit to serve, and are guilty of treason for affiliating with foreign bodies(bilderberg group). using a strategy of secession we may be deemed the enemy; but the enemy is afaid of true color blind unity as americans. they use gloabl warming to create taxes that will kill the middle class. these bailouts will endenture our children's children for years to come. so they can have power. yet; thier arrogance is also thier weakness.

question obama the commisar, and his supermajority of socialist statist's who prefer medicrity over uniqueness and liberty. to these bleeding heart wastes they want you to serve the all-powerful state than yourself . they are vultures and leeches taht thrive on ignorance and deception. they hate freedom using party politcs to maintain thier stranglehold on this fragile nation; they can create a "worker's paradise"; but revolts and secession are what they fear.

i know socialism in all it's forms deoesn't work; capitalism in a republic offers a true chance at self-preservation than living under fear and oppression that we are currently living under. cut the the head off this beast ; than cut the tail and let's unleash liberty through secession, revolt, and bloody fucking revolution

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