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Sunday, November 22, 2009

the Obama years and beyond OpEd

I'm a outsider nowadays; the rebel of state and religion. they are vessels of old. Obama in many ways is that linchpin of the coming paradigm shift. I have no respect for him and his radical ilk, and have seen what has happened since his inauguration; and it is very displeasing as a freethinker and political atheist. as a hidden American, i see our nation becoming more of a fire sale for the nation of china and our debt holders; until Obama is ready to declare some form of martial law; based on the dismal economy and threats of terrorism and h1n1 that lab created weapon used for de-population. but, this paradigm shift may benefit us in the long run. my skepticism has moved to a optimism of our future as a leaner, more advanced human race beyond faith of government and religion and even corporatism. we are seeing a change of man from arduous worker of the labor intensive work state into a citizen of the universe free from the bounds of the previous chains of subjugation. i need to thank obama for causing this chain reaction, this course of events that are out of his control as a puppet for his masters the World bank, IMF and Federal reserve. But, he but part of a pattern that is showing synchronicity of players that will change the world for positive outcomes, rather than negative greedy outcomes.

During my exile my life has also been changing; not that you'll find out; but it is a form of order rising from chaos. we have to become vessels of change from awakening our neighbors to a deeper causality and understanding our universal nature. finding outcomes for a sustainable planet built on resources and genius rather than profit and greed. we have to explore ourselves and find the inner godhead; to end the aeon of the slave gods(Jehovah,Allah, Jesus Christ) and become our own force among the universe. this paradigm will transcend 2010-2012. we all have to look precisely at our own patterns; to change this planet. it also is a organism connected to all of us. but some of us is breathes and hurts like we do.

The chasm that has caused dispersion and separation can also become the gulf of unity; ending all forms of political servitude from socialism to corporatism, from monarchy to democracy. now, we have to relay the message of humanism beyond this planet to signal a change from a society of war faring savages to a society of civilized and enlightened beings that are part of the universal paradigm

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