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Monday, December 7, 2009

obama: Good Intentions

 the road to hell is paved with Good Intentions

Our country is in flux torn between this looking glass of reality and illusion of prosperity and the gaia worship of global warming under the high priest Prince Albert Gore the watermelon statist Eco-guru ; and than comes the federal reserve bailout of bailouts hi jinks. but again Obama goals for the American dream isn't poverty and unemployment; but universal health care , a prosperous economy built on the black hole of derivatives and sub-prime mortgages and bailouts built for banks to large to fail. but his intentions are good, and wholesome for the sum of society. his foreign policy is appeasing the Taliban and Al qaeda , in the Vietnam of Afghanistan and the civil war of Iraq; built on good intentions.

this administration is built upon the leftist Marxist ideologues that believe the state; should be the moral end and means. the environment and economy effect each-other as health-care will be determined by bureaucrats and party wonks. the goodness that will call the greening of our nation is that of Obama working towards his Utopian vision of mediocre society. the mediocrity is built to ruin production, innovation, individuality, personal dignity, and self-preservation; but the state is more aware of what is more justifiable than the individual unless you believe in hope and change of Obama's cabinet built on good intentions. the internal mechanism of Obama is to save the planet; by use  of cap and trade( carbon dioxide tax )is for our own good. taxing the literal air we breathe is meant to save the planet that is eons older than senator Byrd. but, the intentions of the environment is to save the cute furry animals from the nations that produce horrors commerce and trade. Our nation use to be a industrial nation but certain global policies killed our production and created outsourcing in communist and socialist nations that have become capitalist and totalitarian with a green intentions ; like Obama paved with good intentions.

Did Hitler or Mao have good intentions?

this environmentalism and carbon tax good for whom the elite or the common good?

the wars in the middle east are they based on good intentions for our imperial good; or saving lives?

Universal health-care is it good for the government or good for creating a socialist state based on the intent of the commonality or the limited vision of their ideal or mythic good?

the bailouts were good for whom main street or the insiders at wall street and the private cabal called the federal reserve; but aren't their intentions good for the populous.

but who knows maybe Obama intentions are really good?

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