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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rise of the Watermelons: Global Eco-Socialism

Rise of the Watermelons: Global Eco-Socialism

Eco-socialism, Green socialism or Socialist ecology is an ideology merging aspects of Marxism, socialism, Green politics, ecology and alter-globalization. Eco-socialists generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty and environmental degradation through globalization and imperialism, under the supervision of repressive states and transstatal structures; they advocate the non-violent dismantling of capitalism and the state, focusing on collective ownership of the means of production by freely associated producers and restoration of the Commons.[1]

taken from Wikipedia

The Copenhagen treaty is a treaty deigned to use Eco-socialism to cap and trade our capitalist system into a statist controlled carbon tax derived supra-state with a Eco-based global government with a very incompatible enforcement arm. this treaty is built around "Climate Change", a hoax perpetrated by these Eco-socialists' with a ideology of global redistribution of wealth and taxing the middle class out of existence. using Obama as the vehicle to carry out thier global plantation based on doctored scientific data or forged data on global co2 emissions; yet conventional wisdom knows that the sun is getting hotter and we may be going through a min-ice age as the planet is cooling, yet the State sponsored media is perpetuating the green sham of human c02 emissions are causing the inherent harm; the green socialists are aware of their agenda to destroy  all 1st tier nations into 2-3 world countries via. cohesive treaties eg. SPP, GATT, NAFTA , Kyoto protocols to ensure the global earth mechanisms. this mechanism is the new world order as said by many globalists from Gordon Brown to Obama and his acolytes . This world order has been exposed by Sir Monkton the science advisor to "iron" margerate thatcher . if this treaty is signed than our capitalist and republic will fall under a global umbrella of Eco-socialism and repression; since the dark ages.

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