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Sunday, January 10, 2010

will the real revolutionaries step forward

Our political landscape is awash with revolutionaries in ideology and economic philosophy. my premise states who is the true revolutionary the saul alinsky statist who percieves man as animal to the omnipotent super-state or the globalist socialist ideology that barack obama ,and his handlers are unabashed in thier doctrine. the use of a state sponsored media that are the acolytes of the same philosopy that makes man a workable commodity. this revolutionary is counter-productive to a revolutioary of a limited government, a free-market form of capitialism and limited bank to prevent a cabal based federal reserve. the importance of revolution is that is perpeptual contextuallyt from the proven example that socialism and fascism aren't applicable to human liberation seems a viable counter-revolutioary model that has become vogue to the ivory pillar intellgentisia and banking elites who proscribe socialism as a form of control via ecnomic warfare. by the theft of personal wealth.

as a revolutioary is vigilant inherently agianst any form of tyrannical government soft or hard; deal in common sense consitituional governance in the parameters of a republic. this form of revolutioary works towards the goal of non-partisian and color blind to social issues. yet these revolutioaries are seen as the racial identity militias that are more attune to national socialism; and not consitutional based tea parties that are working for a viable restored government. but this ideology is made out to be anti-federalist or centralized government.

the revolutionary that is counter productive is for ceasing industrialization, centralized media, finance, health, etc so the government dictates law to the citizen ; in contrast to the revolutionary who fights for the liberation from this form of tyranny beyond the duopoly of party politics and the illusion of liberal and conservative. a citizen is the pure revolutionary in defense of the bill of rights beyond the corruption of civil liberties. the revolutionary is more the life blood of our current nation under siege. as a political atheist may be seen as a cynic is more aware of the fallacy of party politics and the rise of socialist globalism and Eco-socialism using environmentalism as levy for inhuman taxes and tariffs. seeing past the veil of the duopoly is key to ending the lies that have been made truth in the media that serves it's corporate masters and globalist banking elite who use their revolutionaries as a means towards a unjust ends. a revolutionary is ever vigilant in times that are wavering in liberty and tyranny. the real revolutionary knows that liberty and providence is an unending battle to end the octopus of tyranny. so will the real revolutionary please step forward.

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