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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

the cult of politics or cryptocracy

the cult of politics or cryptocracy

Our once hallowed walls of democracy in this faltering republic are in many ways symbolic of the faltering roman senators lost in corruption and conspiracy for wealth, sex and adulation. our politcal landscape in mnay ways is just that a mirror of the empire in ruin. this ruin is slowly exposing the deception of the duopoly of the republican and democratic paradigm; from the railroading of the much feared health scare bill to the unconstitutional TARP bailouts and other graft, fraud and pork barrel corruption from the whitewash of 911 to the deception of the Iraq war for oil. but let me return to the premise. this cult is either based on overt politics as we see, hear, and discuss over the coffee machine on lunch break or something more illicit. that is the mechanism of cryptocracy. with the current administration it seems to more apparent that the illusion of state is beginning to expose itself as more of a cryptocracy rather than a forum of free speech and checks and balances. it's in many ways like exposing the wizard in Oz. what if i have found a parallel in the cult of politics with cryptocracy? you decide.
Main Entry: pol·i·tics
Pronunciation: \ˈpä-lə-ˌtiks\
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Etymology: Greek politika, from neuter plural of politikos political
Date: circa 1529
1 a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government
2 : political actions, practices, or policies
3 a : political affairs or business; especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government) b : political life especially as a principal activity or profession c : political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices
4 : the political opinions or sympathies of a person
5 a : the total complex of relations between people living in society b : relations or conduct in a particular area of experience especially as seen or dealt with from a political point of view
Cryptocracy, from the ancient Greek κρυπτός (kryptós, hidden) and κραττείν (krateín, to rule), refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden, or merely unknown. ...
what is before us in many ways is a cult of politics for its self and life and liberty; against the society it swears against. so what are we to inherently to believe the corporate media espousing the dual party paradigm or the acts of powerful political, corporate, and financial forces planning acts of aggression against the united states from Islam-fascism, Eco-socialism, cap-and-trade, and other schemes to reduce the last vestige of capitalism and liberty into a hulk of it's very existence. as a lone political atheist ; i see the actions of politics from the secret maneuvers of the national health (s)care bill being planned in secret as a simple action of the very cryptocracy our founding fathers swore against. 

The mainstream state-sponsored media is part of the great lie espousing the political charade of this cryptocracy from the Iran-contra drug operation co-opted by Bill Clinton and George hw bush and co. and the actions of "43" in creating and acting in the creation on the American union. look for it via. Google under spp or Amero. the facts are obvious. The current political structure is fallacy of a true republic and more of a oligarchy or fascist state using cryptocracy to co-opt the very Constitution they swear upon ; when elected to their illegitimate posts. 

so i leave you to ponder not as a alarmist but as a lone voice in the wilderness; what if?

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