Support the Haiti Disaster Relief Effort

Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Earthquake Relief

In this most sorrowful times ; comes a true human tragedy; in the terrible Earthquake in Haiti. I send my condolences to the citizens of Haiti and the practitioners of Voudon; and the sacred Loas. I am ashamed of the racist; ignorant remarks of Pat Robertson and his ilk; defaming your noble country; and you will become a great gem of the Carib. I plan on sending goods to help your nation out of compassion, but also knowing your strength in the darkest of hours. i am working in my community to organize a effort to send food out of respect of there community; and understanding of the culture; as misrepresented by judeo-christian zealots. i hope this tragedy will show the true power of voudon in it's darkest hour can bring courage and strength.


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